Re: A good init string for the HAYES OPTIMA rack series

Joey Lamb (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 19:48:05 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 25 Nov 1995, Mike Gogulski wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> > I am looking for a good and reliable init string for the hayes OPTIMA 28.8 rack
> > series. I am particular dificulty (as usual for an ISP) with connections via a
> > USR Sportster arbitrarily hanging up.
> We were getting many spurious hangups on our eval unit (Century 16) until we
> called Hayes. They advised us after what seemed like days of needless
> "research" to disable retraining with &B0, and this has improved the
> behavior of the modems substantially. Our sportsters are still better-
> behaved over all, and our borrowed courier MP/8s work even more solidly
> than either the Sportsters or the Optimas.

Actually, we have run into the same problem with USR Sportster 28.8's. I
myself have talked with some of the top tech's at USR, and the reason the
USR's tend to hang up with other modems is because of their compression
method. USR uses a propriatary compression method that when connected
with a modem that has the rockwell chipset, will hang up. It is a VERY
easy situation to make re-occur. It has been tested with MANY different
modems on MANY different phone lines. I do not understand why USR would
continue to use such a compression method. Anyways, we are forced to
tell our customers who use USR 28.8 modem's to add to thier init string a
&k0 which will turn off compression.

Joey Lamb
HubNet System Administrator
West Texas Internet Access
Phone : 806-792-4482
Fax : 806-792-3937
E-Mail: jl@HUB.ofthe.NET