Re: problems with dialup connection

Carl Payne (
Mon, 13 Nov 95 14:59:07 -0700

>Most of our customers have been connecting to us with no problems, but one
>customer can't seem to connect successfully. I am out of ideas, and looking
>for suggestions...

First off, log in to the portmaster and do a "show sess" repeatedly while she
tries to get on. This one simple thing can whittle out a great connection
triage. If she can connect, she'll get an IP address. I suspect she doesn't
get that far...

>This customer has a USRobotics 14.4 internal modem on COM3 on a PC. She's
>using Trumpet Winsock 2.0b with PPP. The setting in Trumpet are as follows:

OK, first off, are you sure she has the setting correct for PPP (i.e. the
Internal PPP box is checked)? Users, HAH! Can't live with 'em...can't set
fire to 'em.

Second, if using the login.cmd script, go down to the bottom of the script
where it passes the variables for username and password. You'll see a line
that says something like:

SL/IP connection from (298.765.432.1) to...

Change the SL/IP to PPP.

Simple, huh?

That one fix solved all the troubles my PPP users had on Portmasters 9 times
out of ten. Adventurous folk still using Trumpet Winsock could add a couple
lines to the script that takes the connection type (SLIP or PPP) and expects
the appropriate line, thereby de-necessitating the editing change on PPP
