problems with dialup connection

Bruce Bauman (
Mon, 13 Nov 1995 16:47:40 -0500 (EST)

We (Mosquito Net) are a small ISP who opened Nov. 1. We are using a single
Portmaster 2E-30 with radius, and 20 USRobotics Sportster 28.8 modems.
Most of our customers have been connecting to us with no problems, but one
customer can't seem to connect successfully. I am out of ideas, and looking
for suggestions...

This customer has a USRobotics 14.4 internal modem on COM3 on a PC. She's
using Trumpet Winsock 2.0b with PPP. The setting in Trumpet are as follows:

MTU: 576
TCP RWIN: 2048
TCP MSS: 512

When she connects, it takes forever, and usually the connection drops
before she can actually do anything. It appears that nothing is ever
written to the radius accounting file.

Any suggestions? Any ideas on how I can debug this problem? I'm just
about at my wits end.

-- Bruce