Re: PortMasters Hanging Using PPP to Ciscos

Robert Boyle (
Mon, 13 Nov 1995 09:44:46 -0500

At 09:28 AM 11/13/95 -0500, you wrote:
>We have a PM2-ER-20 (comm server & router combo) that is connected to our
>ISP (InternetMCI). We have had several "hung connections" with MCI;
>times where packets do not leave our router. Sometimes a power cycle
>solves the problem; sometimes it does not.
>The MCI people claim that this is a problem between our PortMaster and
>their Cisco router -- that the PPP connection (as in "Oh...those
>PortMasters just do PPP, right?") is somehow just not completely
>compatible with their Ciscos, and these hangups are inevitable. So get
>used to it...
>I can't believe that this is true. Can someone with more experience in
>this clue me in here?

I am using InternetMCI and I am connected via a Livingston IRX114. I have
never hung or had any other problems w/ the router on either side. I am
connected via a T1 to a Cisco 7000 on the MCI side. If you would like the
exact details about how things are configured, please send me a private
email. I'll be back late this afternoon.


Robert Boyle - Engineer
Garden Networks: Northern New Jersey's Premier Internet Service Provider
50 Diller Ave. Newton, NJ 07860 (201)300-9211 9AM-5PM EST Automatic Response: