PortMasters Hanging Using PPP to Ciscos

Mike Jipping (jipping@cs.hope.edu)
Mon, 13 Nov 1995 09:28:50 -0500

We have a PM2-ER-20 (comm server & router combo) that is connected to our
ISP (InternetMCI). We have had several "hung connections" with MCI;
times where packets do not leave our router. Sometimes a power cycle
solves the problem; sometimes it does not.

The MCI people claim that this is a problem between our PortMaster and
their Cisco router -- that the PPP connection (as in "Oh...those
PortMasters just do PPP, right?") is somehow just not completely
compatible with their Ciscos, and these hangups are inevitable. So get
used to it...

I can't believe that this is true. Can someone with more experience in
this clue me in here?

Many thanks.

Mike Jipping | jipping@cs.hope.edu
Hope College | (616) 395-7509
Department of Computer Science |

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-- Sean Connery, "Just Cause"