Re: ISPs - What modems are you having the best luck with PMs

Ian McLaughlin (
Mon, 13 Nov 1995 09:58:22 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 12 Nov 1995, Phil Jensen - News Administrator wrote:

> Welp, we're using about 120 USR Courier 33.6's. They are lovely, and the
> added cost makes up for it in both compatability and quality. :)

I'll second that oppinion. We've been using US Robotics Couriers from
Day 1. They are a little bit more expensive, but it's funny you never
see questions in the mailing lists about "How do I remotely reset my
Courier" or "What init string do I use for my courier"... They just
work. At the POP I look after, we have 25 Couriers, and in 12 months, I
have only ever found one modem that had locked up - just had to switch it
off and on again.
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