Re: Radius for NT *sighlet* (fwd)

Ian M. Smith (
Mon, 6 Nov 1995 11:46:31 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 4 Nov 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:
> I don't care if someone things AmigaDOS is the best OS ever made - that
> is their opinion.

Actually, IMHO the Amiga DOES have the best OS, except for Unix. :-)
But if I decided to run an ISP on an Amiga (which I wouldn't) I would not
expect Livingston to port Radius to it for me. I would just go compile
Radius myself and if I couldn't, then I would find another way.

Now what I *would* ask Livingston to do is to would be to make some of
the Portmaster programs more open. Like documenting the interface that
PMConsole uses. That helps everyone, not just a small set of users that
want everything done for them.

I have found tech support very helpfull, and the signal to noise ratio
is much higher with Brian's postings. And I prefer being told the
truth. I would much rather hear, "No, we will never support your OS and
here is why..." than "Sure we will support it. When? Uhh, soon.. yeah.."

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