Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*

Don Gibson (
Mon, 6 Nov 1995 09:06:00 -0700

On Nov 5, 8:39pm, Michael Dillon wrote:
> Subject: Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*
> On Sun, 5 Nov 1995, Jonah Barron Yokubaitis wrote:
> > I just read all of portmaster-users from the past 2 months...and i am very
> > dissapointed to even *HEAR* the attitude that 'megazone' has.
> *sigh* I guess Texas is one of those "law and order" places too.
> > What is the deal livingston ? Get with the program and fire this
> > 'megazone' kid. He is bad for the company and is hurting livingston.
> > Get someone on this list that will respond to customers LIKE they are
> > CUSTOMERS rather than some asshole posting to the list.
> The only asshole here is you. If I were in Livingston management, I would
> not even consider firing a valuable technical employee. However I would
> definitely consider ordering employees to *NOT* post to this list and
> would get the list off of our servers.
> Don't kill the goose that laid the golden egg. I continue to learn a lot
> about Livingston products and RADIUS on this list and I don't give a damn
> how offensive Livingston employees are to idiot customers. That's because
> the employees post *LOTS* of solid technical info on this list.
> Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022
> Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-542-4130
> E-mail:
>-- End of excerpt from Michael Dillon

Hear! Hear!
And I haven't heard from Brian recently. I'm getting concerned. I enjoyed
much more before it became personal, and back when we were trashing eash
others' OS's. I really didn't think Brian was rude at all, just factual
regarding NT in it's current state. The rudeness came later, from obvious NT
bigots who were so upset they had to get obscene.

Yeah, you guessed it, I'm a Unix bigot. I've been using it for more years than
I care to mention. I love the power, the freedom, and the openess of a system
that has hundreds (thousands?) of contributors and contains everything you
could want. I am troubled by Microsoft, because I detest monopolies. Before
some of you were born IBM had a similar hold on the computer world and it was a
very bad thing. What happens is that third rate products become de-facto
standards. Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it!

Gee, that was fun!

Oh yeah. The opinions expressed above are my own. Motorola disavows all

Don Gibson | Internet E-mail
Staff Programmer | Motorola E-mail GDG001
Motorola Ceramics Products | Voice: (505) 822-8801 ext. 341