Re: Radius for NT *sighlet* (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Sat, 4 Nov 1995 22:55:19 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Greg Merrell shaped the electrons to say...
>you will most depend in the event of a crisis. While it seems that Brian used
>poor discretion in adding his rather specific editorial comments on NT, your

I figured the entire post was my views and it seemed obvious. This list
isn't some official livingston support group, we provide it as a service
because we know we have so very bright people as customers and it is in
the spirit of the nets for users to help users. I've learned from others
when I started playing online, and I've since helped others get started.
Back in college I started a column in the school paper explaining UNIX and
how to do things, and I wrote a beginners manual for the frosh - I did that
on my own because I believe in helping others when I can. And that's the
attitude that pulled me into this line of work. I could easily do any of
several jobs, but I enjoy what I'm doing now, which is why I do it.

Sorry, I went off on a little bit of a tangent...

Anyway, the list is a service to make things easy for the users, and
Livingston participation is a personal choice, not a part of the job. The
only part of my job releating to the list is maintaining it, making sure
it runs smoothly. Livingston is an open place to work, yes I answer list
questions while I'm 'at work', but I also work from home, or nights, etc, so
it isn't like it is cutting into my production. And on days when I just
don't have time, you'll notice I don't say much on the list. I use it as
sort of a break, the issues here are usually an order of magnitude easier
than the questions I get in support mail, and sometimes you need a break
to clear you're head before taking the next brain-bender. And if I'm on the
phone, many times you just sit there as the other person impliments a fix
and tests it. So I multi-task and toss off answers as I can so I use my
time as efficiently as possible.

The short version is - unless I say it is Livingston policy explicitly,
it is safer to assume it is my opinion or belief. If it becomes an issue
I can always subcribe to the list from my personal account, which is not
at livingston. But I would think that is not necessary.

>into shouting matches rarely works to that end. So to patch things up, I'm
>volunteering to play referee :-)

As is probably obvious, I'm not one to avoid issues. I tend to speak my
mind and give answers as directly as possible. I've found it makes life
much simpler. I used to try to make everyone happy, and it made life a
hellish juggling act. I found most people, especially mature professionals,
appreciate an honest answer, even if they don't agree. And those who can't
handle it, tend to always find something to be upset over anyway. Yes,
diplomacy is called for much of the time, but I would expect a mailing list
such as this one to be a place one can state their opinions. Without
someone immediately taking it to the level of personal attacks.

I don't care if someone things AmigaDOS is the best OS ever made - that
is their opinion. I don't thing NT is a mature product yet, not nearly
as mature as UNIX - that is my opinion. Not Livingston's opinion, even if
other engineers agree with me, I wouldn't presume to speak for them. They
can speak for themselves.

>your technical replies. Now tell John you're sorry for disparaging his favorit
>operating system.
>Brian: Well, OK. I'm sorry John.

SLight problem - I'm *not* sorry for anything I said. I'm sorry John seems
to have taken it so personally. You'd think he wrote NT or something. But
my opinions are my opinions, and I feel that saying I'm sorry for what I said
would be the same as saying I don't hold that opinion. If I'm sorry for
anything it is that some people took my opinions as a personal attack.

Hopefully this has made my position on the list a bit clearer.


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