Re: Serial port time out?

Russ Pagenkopf (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 11:52:04 -0700 (MST)

On Sun, 5 Nov 1995, Lin Feng wrote:
> Is is possible to set an idle time out period on the PM2E so that
> the connection is automatically dropped after, say, 30 minutes of
> non-activity? (Can you do similar thing in Sportster 28.8 modem?)

Hey, wow, something I can answer :-). Grab that little blue manual that
came with your sportster, look at page A-15 and you'll see that setting
register s19 allows you to set an idle time logoff. It ain't perfect, a
pingbot will defeat it, but it works for us. We tend to notice when
people start logging in for reeeeaaaallll long periods of time without
any activity and then we send nasty notes. Solves things real quick :-).


Russ Pagenkopf (406) 542-0838 Internet Services Montana (
Hardware and Business Manager Connecting the World to Montana
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