REPOST: Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*

Jonah Barron Yokubaitis (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 12:44:25 -0600 (CST)

Let me start over here (My last post was too harsh and wasn't what i


Technical Support:

Pro: Free and Livingston has next day (free) replacement of broken
Con: Slow service (4+ hours for emergency support at times)

My Recommendation: Please try and speed speed up emergency technical

Customer Service: (on portmaster users)

Pro: The list exists and is sponsored by livingston
Megazone doesn't allow a question here to go unanswered (great job on

Cons: Megazone's customer service skills are lacking tact. If a customer
asks for something, a simple 'it is on our priority list, but lower than
a few other things' (which was posted later)

Recommendation: for someone in customer service to handle the customer
service related issues here. And keep megazone answering the technical
problems (his skill)

Pro: RADIUS, Drives all ports as fast as you want them, Soon support for
ISDN *with* plug in modules for existing portmaster hardware. A good
command line interface (not like Ascend...ick)

Wants: (not really cons) OSPF support (being worked on), PRI ISDN (being
worked on)

My Recommendation: for me to wait 3 months and then Livingston will have

I wish this was like usenet and i could 'cancel' my post :)

Anyways i meant for my post to be constructive not vise versa.


| Jonah Barron Yokubaitis | TexasNet.Inc |
| * Total Internet Solutions |
| President | $9.95/month PPP access |
| (210) 272-8111 | |