Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*

Phil Jensen - News Administrator (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 10:20:49 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 5 Nov 1995, Jonah Barron Yokubaitis wrote:

> I just read all of portmaster-users from the past 2 months...and i am very
> dissapointed to even *HEAR* the attitude that 'megazone' has. This is
> *not* customer service. You are getting an attitude with customers that
> have spent at least $2500 on product that your company sells ? I don't
> like seeing your posting of 'holding yourself back' You had better hold
> yourself back kid, these are your CUSTOMERS, the ones that pay your salary.

Customer service and engineering are two different things, last time
I checked. I doubt you'd know that though, because you are a President
and don't know what it is like to run a high traffic mailing list. I'm
sick of seeing this "Customers pay your salary." slogan plastered all
over this mailing list. You haven't the slightest idea about what it is
like to do technical support for a massive amount of people. Do you
expect Brian to singlehandedly write Radius for NT in less than a week?
Do you even have the slighest idea what Brian does? He's more than
entitled to his own professional opionon--especially since he runs
this list.

> After reading all this...i am rethinking using Livingston as my terminal
> server of choice....Livingston is showing me less and less reasons to
> stay with them. I already know that CISCO makes bettere terminal
> servers..just waiting on RADIUS.

If "CISCO" makes better terminal servers, then why haven't they
developed and matured RADIUS as Livingston has?

> I run an ISP as do most of the people on this list, and to STAY
> competitive we have to have *good* customer service and technical support
> people answering the phones most of the day. I remember the 1 time we had
> an emergency we had to wait 4+ hours to talk to someone at livingston.
> Hell, my $9.95/month accounts don't have to wait more than 2 minutes.

Livingston has always had good customer service. They deal with a lot
more customers than you do, most likely. Setting up a terminal server
from scratch isn't like having a user download Trumpet and get
it going, either. You are comparing apples with oranges, my friend.

> What is the deal livingston ? Get with the program and fire this
> 'megazone' kid. He is bad for the company and is hurting livingston.
> Get someone on this list that will respond to customers LIKE they are
> CUSTOMERS rather than some asshole posting to the list.

I can agree with you in one case. They need to 'Get with the program'
and hire more people -like- him.


Phil Jensen _\\|//_
System Administrator/Network Operations (-0-0-)
ValleyNet Communications - Central California's Premier Internet Provider
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