Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*

Jonah Barron Yokubaitis (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 11:59:28 -0600 (CST)

On Sun, 5 Nov 1995, Chris B. Wilson, VectorNet wrote:

> On Sun, 5 Nov 1995, Jonah Barron Yokubaitis wrote:
> > After reading all this...i am rethinking using Livingston as my terminal
> > server of choice....Livingston is showing me less and less reasons to
> > stay with them. I already know that CISCO makes bettere terminal
> > servers..just waiting on RADIUS.
> I guess I shouldn't tell you who make's CISCO's terminal servers..

Cisco Does, but that isn't the point.
Its not about hardware, our livingston hardware does *everything* we ask
it to and more. A cisco terminal server could not do what we want, thus
we use Livingston. I should not have added that line, as it is not true
(above about cisco etc)

This is a customer service issue not a hardware/software issue.
Livingston hardware works. PERIOD.

> > I run an ISP as do most of the people on this list, and to STAY
> > competitive we have to have *good* customer service and technical support
> > people answering the phones most of the day. I remember the 1 time we had
> > an emergency we had to wait 4+ hours to talk to someone at livingston.
> > Hell, my $9.95/month accounts don't have to wait more than 2 minutes.
> >
> > What is the deal livingston ? Get with the program and fire this
> > 'megazone' kid. He is bad for the company and is hurting livingston.
> > Get someone on this list that will respond to customers LIKE they are
> > CUSTOMERS rather than some asshole posting to the list.
> How wrong you are. When I needed help with setting up a filter at 11PM,
> guess who was available to help. I also think that it should be possible
> for someone who WORKS for the company to speak without having his words
> taken as being the words of the 'company collective'.
> Chris

I have seen megazone's technical posts (and i am sure he sends out 10X
that in private e-mail) and they are *excellent* what i am referring to
is customer service.

you *DO NOT* flame a customer, and you do not sit on a pedestal and talk
downn to your customers. It is that simple.

Customer service is a delicate balance, and i feel that livingston needs
to sit megazone down and explain that to him. It is *not* that difficult.

If one of my helpdesk guys was acting like this i know i would sit them
down and EXPLAIN to them WHAT they were doing wrong and WHAT they need to
do to correct it. This is for LIVINGSTON'S benefit.


| Jonah Barron Yokubaitis | TexasNet.Inc |
| * Total Internet Solutions |
| President | $9.95/month PPP access |
| (210) 272-8111 | |