Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*

Greg Merrell (
Sat, 4 Nov 1995 19:44:16 -0800 (PST) (John Betts) wrote:
>And to that bloody Livingston Tech support lamer,....
[ additional vitriol elided ]


You have just done a marvelous job of alienating probably the one person on whom
you will most depend in the event of a crisis. While it seems that Brian used
poor discretion in adding his rather specific editorial comments on NT, your
inflamatory response is over the edge.

I have worked in customer support environments before, and it is a two-way
street. Both sides need to work to a common goal of making things work. Getting
into shouting matches rarely works to that end. So to patch things up, I'm
volunteering to play referee :-)

Me: Brian, we all understand that you work long hours trying to support the
customer base, and that you sometimes intersperse your personal opinions with
your technical replies. Now tell John you're sorry for disparaging his favorite
operating system.

Brian: Well, OK. I'm sorry John.

Me: Now John, we understand that you expect Livingston to provide you with a
consistently professional level of technical support through whatever channels
available, but you realize that we're all human. Now tell Brian you're sorry for
letting his comments get you upset and that you do want to continue working with
him in the future.

John: Well, OK. I'm sorry, too.

Good. Now that's settled. Let's let it die a quick death so we can get back to
other holy wars while trying to keep our customers connected and happy.


PS - Before you flame me for sticking my nose in here, just realize that I'm
trying to do my part to increase the signal to noise ratio on the list. If you
really want to continue flaming on this subject, please take it to private
messages and spare the rest of the list. Thanks.

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Greg Merrell Internet:
MSM Company Internet Services Voice: +1-408-253-0970
Cupertino, CA Fax: +1-408-253-0590