Re: RADIUS porting....start with Merit!

Chris Trown (
Sat, 4 Nov 1995 19:54:25 -0800 (PST)

Jeffrey C. Ollie sez
> J> The only downside is that SLIP can't be offered automatically, though I
> J> see no real need to offer it, and if an exception came up, it could be
> J> handled by adding the user to the "users" file.
> Personally, I have seen the light! PPP is the way to go, no doubt about it.
> I wouldn't be hurt at all if none of our users wanted to use SLIP again!

I don't even support it. I have it turned on on the NetBlazers that I run
but the users are on their own. PPP is so much easier to set up and run than
SLIP. Look at any SLIP config file.


+         Chris Trown	    + 	       Fly low		|   		      +
+  +	      and avoid		| Will OGG for a job! +
+   KD6EVS | '92 CBR600F2   +  	      the radar		|		      +