Radius for NT *sighlet*

John Betts (johnb@aztec.co.za)
Sat, 4 Nov 1995 23:03:05 +0200 (SAT)


I am going to be trying to compile radius under NT, for
fun 'n stuff, so if you are interested in helping out, or can
give me some pointers, please feel free, but please send
the comments to my private e-mail address below.

And to all you nudie's who are crying and flaming when
some ppl who have invested into NT and like it want a simple
thing like having Livingston, yes, that's Livingston, and not you!
port Radius to NT, don't act like silly childredm grow up, and get
a life, even if you dont use NT!

And to that bloody Livingston Tech support lamer, where the FUCK
do you get off talking to customers or not?!?!? I don't care
or not wether or not you care for NT, but THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS
RIGHT, like it or not, and if you don't FUCK OFF, and climb
back into your little whole, and don't ever talk to customers again,
especially since they are the ones paying your salary.


John Betts,  

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