Re: Radius Question

Hugh Messenger (
Sat, 4 Nov 1995 14:50:07 -0600 (CST)

> The Merit version checks the system's /etc/shells file for requests
> which are authenticated using the /etc/passwd file. If the user's
> entry in /etc/passwd has a shell entry (like /bin/false) which is
> not in the /etc/shells file, the Merit server will fail to authenticate
> this user. You may have /bin/false as the user's shell for some
> users whom you don't want to actually log onto your UNIX box.

Is there a way of making this feature account specific?

I have several projects which don't need shells but do need PPP and
passwords. Took me a few minutes head scratching to work out
why none of them could dial in after we recently adopted Merit.

Maybe a configurable UID range which will get authenticated regardless
of shell? Or a configurable set of GID's? Or if the name begins with
X and there's an R in the month?

I'd prefer not to involve yet more dictionary words and 'users' file

> web....

-- hugh