Re: Livingston Radius vs. Ascend Radius

David Carmean (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 16:31:54 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 3 Nov 1995, Joey Lamb wrote:

> I am currently using Radius 1.16 for all of my Livingston products.
> Recently our area finally got ISDN. I have installed the Ascend
> 400T Router. Everything is configured for it, and ready to go. The
> problem is that I need to use Radius for it's authentication. I have
> compiled and ran the Ascend version of Radius, but it does not seem
> to be compatible with the Livingston version.
> I copied the ascend dictionary file into the correct directory
> (making sure to backup the old version). The error I get is:
> attribute name User-Service-Type not found
> Parse error -95 for user test
> I then killed that version of radiusd, copied the old dictionary
> file in /etc/raddb, then loaded up the old radiusd.
> Where should I go know? I need to get this up and running, but need
> to know how I should combine these two.

What I did was to merge the Livingston and Ascend dictionaries...
they have different names for some of the attributes. The Ascend
version uses User-Service, for example. The accounting now works fine
for the Ascend via the Livingston server, but I haven't figured out how
to set up the user file for ISDN users.

So I haven't figured it out yet either, but since you can change the
RADIUS Authentication and Accounting port numbers on the P400 (I have two)
you could run the Ascend version on another port until you figure out how
to integrate them.

The next version of the Merit distribution will support the
Ascend attributes as well, according to one of the authors.

David Carmean WB6YZM DC574
System/Network Administrator, WestNet Communications, Inc.
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