Re: Livingston Radius vs. Ascend Radius

Jeffrey C. Ollie (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 22:14:33 -0600

>>>>> "D" == David Carmean <> writes:
D> On Fri, 3 Nov 1995, Joey Lamb wrote:

[ deletia ]

It's good to hear your good tidings, since I will have an Ascend 4000 in-house
soon. After only a quick look at the Ascend radius, it looked like the
only real differences were the addition of a number of Ascend specific
attributes to the dictionary file. There was some confusing language
about accounting in a README, but I only took a quick look.

Prompt me in a few weeks and I'll describe my experiences with using both
Livingston and Ascend products with the same RADIUS server.

Jeffrey C. Ollie
Iowa Network Services System Administrator