Livingston Radius vs. Ascend Radius

Joey Lamb (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 16:43:59 +0000

I am currently using Radius 1.16 for all of my Livingston products.
Recently our area finally got ISDN. I have installed the Ascend
400T Router. Everything is configured for it, and ready to go. The
problem is that I need to use Radius for it's authentication. I have
compiled and ran the Ascend version of Radius, but it does not seem
to be compatible with the Livingston version.
I copied the ascend dictionary file into the correct directory
(making sure to backup the old version). The error I get is:

attribute name User-Service-Type not found
Parse error -95 for user test

I then killed that version of radiusd, copied the old dictionary
file in /etc/raddb, then loaded up the old radiusd.

Where should I go know? I need to get this up and running, but need
to know how I should combine these two.

