Re: Radius for all

Owen DeLong (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:34:28 -0800

> Funny,
> One person asks if it is possible to get something ported to another OS and
> everybody becomes a critic. I bet when your (you know who you are) OS wasn't
> supported, you cried like a baby. But now that you have what you want, your
> all experts. Far from it!
I might have, but my OS was never not supported... Maybe that's a HINT!

> I personally think that those who fear anything they do not know are those
> who speak the loudest. Hey if you fear NT then DON'T use it.

Think again. I don't fear NT, although I fear being forced to use it AGAIN!
(Note AGAIN). I was forced by corporate politics being raised over technical
judgement to use it once upon a time. I will _NEVER_ do that again if I can
avoid it. It just plain didn't do what we needed, and it still doesn't.

If you want, I will send you a copy of the list of things wrong with NT
that made my life hell for a couple of months, but I doubt the rest of the
list cares.

> Seems just
> because we move on in life, those of you left behind begin to try and shut
> down progress. I personnally have seem all these *nix boxes and still have a
> few around. I agree about why this hasn't been ported by anyone as of yet,

Yep... maybe this points to some of the above mentioned flaws.

> but i bet not many of you have had to port to your OS, someone else did it
> for you.

Maybe for many of the users on this list, but I've ported a fair number of
packages to unsupported *nix's. 'Course, that's not much of a port most
of the time. *nix really is pretty much *nix in most cases.

> Go ahead and lie all you want, no one is asking your opinion about
> NT and no one wants it! All I am ststing that i am one of an abundant of
> Administrators who wants to use Radius on NT. So if livingston wishes to
> address this issue, then I will listen, otherwise everything else is just
> somebody blowing steam out the wrong end.

My point is that as a Livingston customer who wants to see their resources
better spent on products which I will find useful, I feel that when there
starts to be this much noise about some distraction, I need to create
competitive noise to try and keep their engineering folks focused on something
useful instead of NT.

> To each his own, respect anothers view or your just another politician, no
> need for them in an engineers world!
Yep. But don't put NT in the way of what I need, or I will scream.

> Mike