Radius for all

Mike Pierson (mpierson@softronics.com)
Fri, 3 Nov 95 17:03:18 +0000 (GMT)


One person asks if it is possible to get something ported to another OS and
everybody becomes a critic. I bet when your (you know who you are) OS wasn't
supported, you cried like a baby. But now that you have what you want, your
all experts. Far from it!

I personally think that those who fear anything they do not know are those
who speak the loudest. Hey if you fear NT then DON'T use it. Seems just
because we move on in life, those of you left behind begin to try and shut
down progress. I personnally have seem all these *nix boxes and still have a
few around. I agree about why this hasn't been ported by anyone as of yet,
but i bet not many of you have had to port to your OS, someone else did it
for you. Go ahead and lie all you want, no one is asking your opinion about
NT and no one wants it! All I am ststing that i am one of an abundant of
Administrators who wants to use Radius on NT. So if livingston wishes to
address this issue, then I will listen, otherwise everything else is just
somebody blowing steam out the wrong end.

To each his own, respect anothers view or your just another politician, no
need for them in an engineers world!
