Re: Radius for all

root (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:21:51 -0800 (PST)

> One person asks if it is possible to get something ported to another OS and
> everybody becomes a critic. I bet when your (you know who you are) OS wasn't
> supported, you cried like a baby. But now that you have what you want, your
> all experts. Far from it!

Wrong. We ported it ourselves, and submitted the patches to Livingston. So
it appears at this time that the only babies out there are the NT admins
who don't know how to run a compiler...

> I personally think that those who fear anything they do not know are those
> who speak the loudest. Hey if you fear NT then DON'T use it.

I don't fear NT. I despise it because we use it at work (I adminstrate it) and
it's the biggest piece of rubbish I've ever had the misfortune to use. My
opinion about NT is based on several *years* of extensive experience with it.

> Go ahead and lie all you want, no one is asking your opinion about NT
My goodness. Accusative aren't we? Or did we spark an inferiority complex?

> All I am ststing that i am one of an abundant of Administrators who
> wants to use Radius on NT.

Still in the *TINY* minority, overshadowed by the several orders of
magnitude larger Unix community. Why should Livingston put effort into
something that would have such little returns?
