Re: Radius For NT.... (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:28:49 -0800 (PST)

>> One more comment. Livingston is responsible for porting RADIUS to NT if
>> they want to continue to be competitive.

This just about made me laugh. Compared to the UNIX user base, NT is
negligible. We could ignore NT for the forseeable future and still be
competitive. Maybe not in the NT market, but there just isn't much of
a market there at all for it to be a concern.

We're planning to do NT because we try to answer customer requests, but it
is no secret that projects like linux and BSDI and ISDN are much higher on
the priority list.

If NT was such a hot shit product, everyone would be stampeding to support
it... Hmmm... I don't see a stampede around anywhere...

Face it, NT doesn't have market support and the hard fact is NT is not
even competing successfully with UNIX in the markets NT was aimed at.

>> NT is real and I don't have to tell you that it is. Just take a look at
>> where almost every forward thinking organization is going. There is

Um, hello, this is just false. You have my blinded by M$. Every forward
thinking company is going with UNIX, *any* market study (Not done by
M$ press, aka Ziff-Davis) shows UNIX growing faster.

>> not a valid opponent. It will be and it actually is the way corporate
>> customers are going. Any viable product will have NT support.

Yeah right...

This is the same line of BULLSHIT M$ started shovelling even before NT
was released. It was going to take the market by storm within a year!
Two years! Three years! Four... Oh, maybe eventually... Ok, so it's
really a niche product...

NT has never lived up to expectations, and even OS/2 has a larger installed
base with faster growth! By your logic we should develop an OS/2 Radius
before NT.

NT has a lot of growing up to do before it is viable.


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