Re: Radius For Nt... why not use a Linux box? (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 08:52:01 -0800 (PST)

I don't understand why someone would buy something when they need a feature
that isn't supported, and then hope that it is. What would happen if we
said "We've decided to never support NT, at all, period"? Not likely, but
it's just an example. I see this everyday, people send email, some times
angry email, asking for, or even demanding, we port pm* to SCO, or UNIXware,
or BSDI, etc.. Because they absolutely must have it.

I feel *no* sympathy. We don't claim to support them, we don't even claim
that we will (We probably won't support SCO, and UNIXware is going away with
Novell's reorg). It would be like me buying a compact car and then yelling
at the dealer because I can't haul lumber around. We're open and honest
about what we support, if someone says "I absolutely must have FreeBSD
support or I can't buy your product", I'll say sorry, can't help you. It
seems like some people figure they'll have more leverage if they buy first
and then *demand* support.

Got news for them, it doesn't make any difference, and you're not going to
force a shift in the schedule just because you decide to take a risk. If
anyone ran a business that way, it wouldn't be around very long.

Same at my old job, where the security server was proprietary and porting it
was *not* a simple task most of the time. We had people buying it to run on
a Linux box, then getting bent when we told them we didn't support Linux and
we had shelved all plans to support it for the foreseeable future. You're
welcome to port it if you can, have a nice day. I couldn't really feel sorry
for them, they made the decision to buy it when it was known to be

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, I'm just taking this time to vent
over something I see everyday. It confuses me, I would never make such a
major investment without checking every angle first.


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