Re: ppp lockups with 3.1

Joshua M. Thompson (
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 12:38:03 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 31 Oct 1995 wrote:

> I am experiencing lockups on my PPP connection between my portmaster
> and my backbone provider, if i reboot, or my provider restarts the link,
> everything is ok for about a week. I use BSD unix which does not support
> pmconsole, if i need to upgrade to 3.1.4 how do i install the new load?

Out of curiosity, what kind of uplink do you have and what type of router
is at the other end? You aren't the only one with this kind of problem,
and so far the only thing in common between all of us that have this
happen is that a Portmaster is involved.

email:                System Engineer/Network Administrator 
 web:, Inc.  Farmington, MI
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