Re: Logging failed PAP logins (was RE: anybody seen this with 3.1.4??)

John W. Temples (
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 20:05:39 +0300 (GMT)

On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Jon Lusky wrote:

> Mark Costlow writes:
> > Besides, it really blows their minds if you call up a customers and tell them,
> > "Sir, we saw you attempting to log in using a lower-case 'p' in your login
> > name. Please try again with a capital 'P'."
> Yep, it sure does :)

This happened to me recently:

Customer: I'm getting a "login incorrect" message.
Me: (after checking logs) You need to type your username in lower case.
Customer: It is in lower case.
Me: No, it's not.
Customer: What's lower case?
Me: Small letters.
Customer: Oh, ok. Hey, are you watching me??

John W. Temples, III       ||       Providing the first public access Internet
Gulfnet Kuwait             ||            site in the Arabian Gulf region