Re: packet-storm??

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 09:28:03 -0700 (PDT)

> cisco 1020 with version 1.0 from cisco. (have to check the very
> sparse docs. Only one measly booklet as documentation.. yuk!)

It should be running version 1.1, not 1.0. UniverCD should have a copy
of the "Cisco 1020 Command Reference" to supplement the small "Cisco
1020 User Guide".

> When I configure the cisco with an IP address on it's port and do a
> 'set s4 destination' on the PM it will start
> connecting, but the IP address the PM receives from the cisco is the
> cisco's ethernet IP address(!)

That's correct - its using an unnumberred ip interface. The Cisco 1020
should be using configuration 4, from page 4-10 of the User Guide.

Are you sure you're using a proper cable; you should be able to use the
console cable (see Table A-2) with a gender-changer to plug into the
1020's console port S0.

Will I get flamed too badly if I mention that Livingston also now makes
the PortMaster Office Router, which has an ethernet, console port,
PCMCIA modem slot, and our command line interface (and supports PMconsole?)

Carl Rigney