Re: radius

William Bulley (
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 11:54:49 -0400 (EDT)

According to Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz:
> 3. Merit is a university, they do their version for their own needs and
> distribute it as a public service. Livingston is commercial and we are
> committed to providing support for everything we do. We differ in opinon
> on the ways to do somethings & we don't see the need to support some others.

Well, close, but no cigar... ;^)

Allow me a very brief correction here. Merit is a non-profit organization
located in Michigan (I think the IRS term is 501c or something like that).
We are "owned" (were created) by all the major four-year universities (13)
in Michigan. We also have some 130+ "affiliates" (some people call these
customers) which include community colleges, libraries, commercial firms
and K12 institutions. We are installing authentication for dial-in service
for the entire State of Michigan (using RADIUS) which will eventually mean
that every local dialing exchange in the state will be a local phone call
away from the Internet. The K12 stuff alone brings in over 800 new realms.

Merit (along with the NSF, MCI, IBM and several other TLAs) are the people
who brought you the Internet as you know it today (can you say "NSFNET"?) ;^)

I'm proud to be part of Merit (can you tell? :-) so I wanted to correct any
mis-conceptions (or pre-conceptions) -- but we are not a university per se.

Thank you, and we now return you to your regularly scheduled mailing list...



William Bulley, N8NXN              Senior Systems Research Programmer
Merit Network Inc.                 Domain:
4251 Plymouth Road                 MaBell: (313) 764-9993
Ann Arbor, Michigan  48105-2785    Fax:    (313) 747-3185