
Arno Griffioen (
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 21:11:13 +0100 (MET)

I'm having some problems connecting a CisCo 1020 (a Livingston in disguise..)
and a PM2E-30.

Setup is as follows:

- 115k2
- PPP + compression
- Direct cable, no modems
- PM2e with ComOS 3.1.4
- cisco 1020 with version 1.0 from cisco. (have to check the very
sparse docs. Only one measly booklet as documentation.. yuk!)

When I configure the cisco with an IP address on it's port and do a
'set s4 destination' on the PM it will start connecting, but
the IP address the PM receives from the cisco is the cisco's ethernet IP

The PPP handshake seems to break down at that point and it starts over again.

OK that doesn't seem to work. I then added the cisco's serial-port IP address
as the 'destination' in the port. Now the IP address is ok, but still won't
go to 'established'.. Drats! DTR is doing a lot of ping-pong work...

I then do a 'set address s4' with an address from the network the cisco is
connected to and give it a go again, making sure I mirror the PM's config
on the cisco (bit of a bother, but can be done..)

Now it _does_ connect! That's strange? On our other leased-lines or direct
connections to PC's or SUN's I can just let the PM use it's own address
for one side of the link and the customer can use one IP address from their
own network for their side of the PPP link.

Is this a 'feature' of the cisco??

OK I was happy, until I noticed that the TX and RX lights on my break-out box
are burning brightly after I send some traffic across the line. Routing
problem? (loop?).. Checked that out. Doesn't seem to be that way. Our side has
one static network-route for the customers class C address and the customer
has a default route (using to our PM. Sounds reasonable..

This 'spurious' traffic usually has little impact on the traffic, but sometimes
ping times go to a steady 500ms over this (short) link, with TX and RX blazing.
A reset of the port fixes it for an hour or so.

Now the questions...

- What can this traffic be? (the activity LED's on the respective
ethernet hubs show no traffic on the LAN's, only between the routers)
- Why doesn't the cisco 1020 like having two separate (not from the
same network) IP adresses as endpoints? Has ComOS been hacked up this
- I assumed connecting to PM's (which the cisco really is..) would be
a breeze. This definitely isn't... What am I doing wrong??

Thanx for any input you can give me..

Bye Arno.