Re: Call Backs

Jon Green - User Support (
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 16:56:16 -0500

>We have placed a call with the tech support but as usual over 30 hours
>later and I'm still "in the que". We have also sent email but haven't heard
>a word from anyone yet. We have tried to get someone on the phone when this
>was happening but to no avail. I understand the staffing problems you are
>having there and we are also very short handed here but we have never made a
>customer wait this long for a tech to get on the phone. I feel like I'm dealin
>with Cisco here.

I'd like to just follow up on what Brian said. I too understand that
Livingston is understaffed, and being the tech support person here I know
that things get busy. A note to Livingston, however: if you won't be able
to call people back in a half hour, don't *tell* us that you will. I've
been sitting here for the last three hours waiting for a call that I was
told would come within a half hour. Because of that, I haven't been able
to call *my* customers back. I also have 30 of our modems busied out,
in case someone from Livingston wanted to get into the PM before it had
to be rebooted. That's causing lots of busy signals, so I can't leave it
that way much longer. The email I sent to Livingston yesterday basically
said "Please tell me if you'll be able to get to this today, so I know
whether or not to reboot the box now." In the future, is there any special
way I should mark an email message so that someone will read it right away?

On to other details.. Here's the deal with these lockups. On Monday, we
had one unit lock up, where it would quit responding to pings, telnets, etc.
I rebooted the machine as soon as I found it. On Tuesday, a different
PM locked up. Looking at the ethernet activity light on the back, it
was blinking rythmically, about once or twice per second. I busied out
the modems attached to the unit and let it sit. After about a half hour,
it suddenly started responding again, and I was able to login. The uptime
showed 9 hours, so it didn't actually reboot. After not hearing back
from Livingston, I power-cycled the unit. Today, the same unit locked up
again, showing the exact same symptoms. As of right now, I am able to
telnet in (this is why I'm waiting for someone to call, as I'm hoping they
can telnet in and find something.) Here's something strange:

Port Speed Mdm Host Type Status Input Output Pend
---- ----- --- ---------------- ------ ------------- ---------- ---------- ----
S6 57600 on Login DISCONNECTING 0 0 92

The output for S6 has looked exactly like that since yesterday. If I
do a 'reset s6' it will appear to reset, but after a while it will come back
to this again.

We're running ComOS 3.1.4, BTW. I understood that 3.1.4 was supposed to
fix the ethernet lockup problem, but this looks like exactly the same thing.
Any ideas?

* Jon Green * GIT d- s+:+ a-- C++$ ULO++++$ P+ L++ E W+(--) *
* * N++ K w(--) O- M-- V+++$(--) PS PE++ Y+ PGP+ *
* INS User Support * t+ 5 X(+) R- tv+ b+ DI++ D++ G+ e+ h r++ y+ *