Re: Call Backs (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 15:27:26 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jon Green - User Support shaped the electrons to say...
>whether or not to reboot the box now." In the future, is there any special
>way I should mark an email message so that someone will read it right away?

Use the phone for emergencies. Email is *not* good. For one, we sometimes
lose our connection - we were offline most of Monday because our feed site
had a problem. And if I'm out for some reason, there is no guaruntee email
will be looked at. Even if I'm in (as I was yesterday) sometimes I get
swamped with a backlog, especially following a weekend, and I've even missed
mail with ***URGENT*** in the subject. Information overload, it all starts
looking the same.

>We're running ComOS 3.1.4, BTW. I understood that 3.1.4 was supposed to
>fix the ethernet lockup problem, but this looks like exactly the same thing.

It isn't, because the code in 3.1.3 that caused the problem is no longer
there. It can't be the same problem. 3.1.4 reverted to the 3.1.2 code
for that.


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