Call Backs

Wed, 11 Oct 1995 15:50:42 CST

Well actaully I would like to start by finding out if anyone else is having the
ethernet lockup happening under 3.1.4 on a PM 2e-30? I have had 2 different
units lock up and not respond to pings or new sessions. 2 times we had to reset
the unit and the third time it came out of it by itself.

We have placed a call with the tech support but as usual over 30 hours
later and I'm still "in the que". We have also sent email but haven't heard
a word from anyone yet. We have tried to get someone on the phone when this
was happening but to no avail. I understand the staffing problems you are
having there and we are also very short handed here but we have never made a
customer wait this long for a tech to get on the phone. I feel like I'm dealing
with Cisco here.

I would love to hear a date when they project to having themselves at full
staff. Or hell just some good documents out in binder that have some of the
debug info in it so maybe I can do something useful here before I get a tech
on. Instead of baby sitting them and waiting for them to crash, since I know
they will again within the next 24 hours!