Re: $200 modem advice...

Chris Woods (
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 16:57:59 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 11 Oct 1995, Garry Shtern wrote:

> Excuse me????? Well if you are of that opnion then I guess you are having
> enourmous amount of problems with your customers connecting to you

Umm, no. Patrick's point was valid. There are so many variables that there
is no way that anyone can claim that "there is one modem that works best
for everyone, period." We do not use USR modems, and I submit that we, in
our application, have far fewer connection-related problems than we would
if we had decided to use any other modem.

We tried other modems, researched other modems, and settled on Cardinal,
and we do *not* regret it.

Chris Woods Senior System Administrator USAinternet, Inc.
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