Re: Why does dynamic addressing not always work?

Patrick Greenwell (
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 12:27:51 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 10 Oct 1995, Jeff Vian wrote:

> >
> >
> >On Tue, 10 Oct 1995, Chris Schmidt wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Here
> >> Here's the situation:
> >>
> >> PM2e 30-ports. A user logs in and is assigned an address using, for example,
> >> trumpet winsock. When trumpet winsock gets the assigned address, it updates
> >> the .ini file and when you choose file->setup you can actually see the
> >> asssigned ip in the proper place.
> >>
> >> The same thing happens with MacTCP and ConfigPPP. No problem, right?
> >>
> >> Wrong. When that same user logs out and then logs in again, since the IP has
> >> been saved in Winsock or in MacTCP, they are assigned that same IP address
> >> again if it is available. If it is not, they are assigned a new one, which
> >> updates the .ini or preferences file.
> >>
> >> Basically, if the user so wishes, they can choose an IP address in the
> >> range specified on the PM, and so long as they address is available, they
> >> will get it.
> >>
> >> Is it supposed to work that way?
> >>
> >> Chris
> >
> >Sure. It is not going to interfere with anything. You choose what pool of
> >addresses are available, and if it one is in use it will not duplicate
> >the assignment, so there are no problems. Is there a specific reason that
> >you do not want users to be able to select an available IP address? As
> >long as you make sure to tell them that you are using dynamic addressing
> >I can't see a problem.
> >
> > Patrick
> >
> >
> This is not quite how it works.
> As stated, the livingston assignes the address and winsock recognizes it. However, if the user does not do file/setup/ok the address is not actually saved in the ini file, just in memory for that session. When the user disconnects the assigned address is lost, and a new one assigned for the next session.
> The problems occur when the user does do file/setup/ok and the ini file is actually updated. The next time he logs in if the saved ip is already in use the portmaster assigns a new ip but winsock does not accept the change and fails to properly communicate.
> We frequently have problems when our (ignorant/stupid/careless) users change the setup and cause this situation.
> Jeff
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jeff Vian Future Net, Inc.
> <> Wichita, Kansas
> 316-652-0070
> The opinions expressed here are purely my own and do not
> necessarily reflect the views of my employers.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sounds more like a problem with trumpet winsock then with the users
saving the settings.
