Re: Why does dynamic addressing not always work?

Dave Andersen (
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 13:35:25 -0600 (MDT)

Lo and behold, Patrick Greenwell once said:

> > The problems occur when the user does do file/setup/ok and the ini file is actually updated. The next time he logs in if the saved ip is already in use the portmaster assigns a new ip but winsock does not accept the change and fails to properly commu
> >
> > We frequently have problems when our (ignorant/stupid/careless) users change the setup and cause this situation.
> Sounds more like a problem with trumpet winsock then with the users
> saving the settings.
> Patrick

I'll ditto patrick on that one. You need to put an
address <timeout>

command in the winsock login.cmd file and you won't have to worry about
the IP address the user gets...

-Dave Andersen

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