Re: Livingston Support and Service Haaaaa

Christian Nielsen (
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 10:07:32 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 6 Oct 1995, Jerry Russell wrote:

> welcome to the CLUB, we have 7 of them and have been dealing with tech support
> fo over a year and it is getting WORSE ! Now they have a FRONT END that just
> acts dumb and will only take your name and number and put you in the que,
> What a damn joke !

And we are looking to buy more...

> While I was on the phone with them yesterday trying to get thru to tech support, 15 minutes, I got no less than FIVE message poped up omn my SUN server, in the
> Livingston mail list ALL of them was from Livingston's tech support answering mail
> on the list. NOW my question is why were these people NOT taking phone calls
> instead of playing on the net ?
> Duhhh !

I Like them on the list, but I also like to talk with someone
that works for livingston. This list should not be in place of Tech
support. It should be for the users to pass ideas around. And as quoted
from thier Users Manuel, now follow along on page 1-9 of your PM2ER manual
I added stuff in ()

"Technical Support"
Livingston Enterprises, Inc. provides free lifetime support and
software upgrades (when I talked to them at Interop in Vegas, March, they
said that they would have a Linux pmconsole). Before you call, check this
manual for possible answers to the problem. (did this as shown in the
book) if you do call, please be at your computer (That is what I do for a
living) and ready to analyze the problem (ready when they are) with one
of our Technical Support Engineers.

Call technical support at 1-800-458-9966

If you are outside of the U.S. call 510-426-0770

You can slo e-mail us at

And I will be DANMED if I have to pay for the NEW (I would say better)


Yes, I know. If I only had 26 hours in a day... ;-0