Re: Livingston Support and Service Haaaaa
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 12:24:01 -0700 (PDT)

Hello...normally I don't get involved with this kind of crap 'cause
there is negative return on the energy spent; however, this particular
transmission warrants a response.

As a direct response to the volume of support calls received, which of
course is directly proportional to the quantity of product shipped, Tech
Support evolved to have a Customer Service front end to buffer the Support

Customer Service has a number of responsibilities. Among those is to
filter those calls which truly are network down and urgent priority
through to the SE's. They are trained to field those technical questions
that are within their ability to answer and the rule they follow is:
if they don't know the answer they will get someone who does. They
will dispense standard responses using a number of prepared technical
notes, maintain the queue and adjust caller priority and provide various
upgrades. These functions allow the SE's to cut through the chase so
that we can attempt to provide world-class network support to those
customers of ours who need it the most.

On behalf of the Support Engineers, I am confident saying that our
Customer Service Team is our lifeline and without them, Livingston
would not be able to provide the level of support that it presently
does. We understand the current climate and we are bent on improving
the response time by an SE. We are attempting to staff our SE team
at this time, but highly qualified, dedicated & committed people
are difficult to find.

With respect to email, one resource is almost exclusively dedicated
to email response, because we were losing ground heavily in this
area. It's good to see that the email response is getting back up to
par again.

Now, back to line 2 & the holder on line 4.

+ welcome to the CLUB, we have 7 of them and have been dealing with tech support
+ fo over a year and it is getting WORSE ! Now they have a FRONT END that just
+ acts dumb and will only take your name and number and put you in the que,
+ What a damn joke !
+ While I was on the phone with them yesterday trying to get thru to tech support, 15 minutes, I got no less than FIVE message poped up omn my SUN server, in the
+ Livingston mail list ALL of them was from Livingston's tech support answering mail
+ on the list. NOW my question is why were these people NOT taking phone calls
+instead of playing on the net ?
+ Duhhh !

E. Todd Taylor        Livingston Enterprises Inc.   Phone: (800) 458-9966
Support Engineer      220-6920 Koll Centre Pkwy.      Fax: (510) 426-8951   Pleasanton, CA 94566