Setting an IP in Radius for login

david barnhill (
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 12:02:47 -0500 (CDT)

Hi all,

I'm not sure I'm sending this to the right list, or whether to send it to
the radius list only, or whether they're duplicating, or WHAT, someone
tip me off if I'm hopelessly out of date as to the list heirachy these

The problem is simple, I think. I have a couple of users who have IP's,
and who wish to have them set such that when they log in, their unix
boxes know what they're connected to, and can use their own IP's for the
connect time. Seems like there's a radius way to do this, but in looking
through the doc I don't see it, or at least what we've tried didn't work.

Pointers please! And thanks. This is a very good group, despite the
high traffic, there's a LOT of knowledge here, and it seems like folks
are genuinely out to assist, rather than aggrandize themselves...scare,
almost like the net of a few years ago...:)


W. David Barnhill
Director, Technical Services
Sunflower Network, Inc.