Re: Setting an IP in Radius for login

Garry Shtern (
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 12:06:49 +1030 (???)

On Wed, 4 Oct 1995, david barnhill wrote:

> The problem is simple, I think. I have a couple of users who have IP's,
> and who wish to have them set such that when they log in, their unix
> boxes know what they're connected to, and can use their own IP's for the
> connect time. Seems like there's a radius way to do this, but in looking
> through the doc I don't see it, or at least what we've tried didn't work.

Well two ways actually, you can either assign them a static ip addresses
instead of the dynamic ones, and the second one is if they run linux,
which most of them probably do setup a dip script which will pick up
their ip addresses upon connection...
