Menu creation (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Tue, 3 Oct 1995 16:36:20 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Bill Butler shaped the electrons to say...
>1) Are there people out there who have run the Portmaster fully loaded
>without experiencing sporadic crashes etc. I read in the listserv digests
>that some users had experienced frequent (~1 day and less) crashes. Any
>similar experiences?

I have a friend that admins an ISP in MA, they run many PM2s, hard, and
swear by them. I was at my old job when they got them and asked him why
he didn't go with the comm servers we made there, he swore then that the
PM was the better unit, and he still does now. (He's also pushing hard
for some new features, he likes to push hardware as far as it will go.
Very talented guy.)

You'll also see reports in the archives from people who say they've had
PMs up for a year, or never had unplanned downtime.

We have some buggy software now and then (not nearly as bad as many others
I've seen though) just like everyone else. But in general, if everything
is quality (good modems, good cables, good phone lines, etc) you shouldn't
have a problem.

The more you have to compromise (like Zoom or Boca modems, cheap cables) the
more likely you are to run into a clash or a problem.

>2) Is there a way to set up a menu interface for the initial login. For
>example, a user might have the ability to have 3 prompts:

We do not yet support menuing.


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