Re: (PM) Downgrading from 3.9b27

John Vozza (
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 08:55:44 -0500 (EST)

Since you CHOOSE not to be part of the solution then I suggest you learn
to live with YOUR choice and go elsewhere for your equipment needs.

We all know that getting Granny to is futile but
many people can and WILL take the advice to make their computer better.

Sorry but you remind me of people that complain about the government and
then are too busy to vote!


Hmmm... ISP = Internet SERVICE Provider
NetRom Internet Services 973-208-1339 voice 973-208-0942 fax

On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, John Lange wrote:

> So I should choose the MOST DIFFICULT path. Try and get 3000 Lusers to
> upgrade their modem code so Lucent can avoid dealing with the issues at hand.
> This make sense to me. DEFINITELY NOT!
> I can just see the customers running away in droves, because I just
> upgraded to the latest Lucent beta "Kludge".
> NOT, I will just complain, let Lucent know I am not pleased, and keep
> looking at other RAS products with a gleam in my eye.
> JOhn :}

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