Re: (PM) PM3 line interfaces go bonkers - power-cycle fixes?

I don't work for LINS (
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 00:33:25 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Jon Rust wrote:

> Hola Jay!
> Yes, I've seen the same thing. Been red-faced more than once after
> screaming at GTE to fix their shzt, only to find that a power cycle
> fixed the problem. And yep, with only 4 PM3's it happens much too
> infrequently, and is much too big of an emergency to open a ticket
> with the on-hold music at Lucent. The last time it happened was
> prolly 3 months ago.

/* Putting on AOL hat */

ME TOO! Exact same situation, line errors that keep escalating, dialing
in problems. BUT, occasionnally an alarm on the flue itself.

I'm now biting the bullet and saying to hell with uptime and doing a
power cycle to clear the dirty bits.

Though just the other night my brother noticed that the telco lines to the
flues were not fastened completely tight. A lil wiggle on the line will
produce and occasional alarm light on the flue, but LOTS of line errors
shown on the PM3

Makes you wonder how something so small can have such a devestating effect

OH Jon Rust!!! I GOT ADSL RUNNING! hehe, It was my stupid short-sightness
that didn't make me realize that MAC addressing will not happen between
the ADSL router and the ADSL clients _if_in_the_same_subnet_ ...

Thanks to all on the list, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Aloha from Paradise,

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