Re: (PM) Downgrading from 3.9b27

Chris Owen (
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 14:38:07 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Jon Rust wrote:

> At 12:43 PM -0600 12/28/99, Chris Owen wrote:
> >On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, John Lange wrote:
> >
> >> I still inform customers as they call that they need to upgrade their
> >> modem software, but many would just as soon switch to another provider
> >> than here me tell them they actually need to do something (like
> >> think).
> >
> >If you are waiting for the version of ComOS that doesn't require customers
> >to update their modems, I'm afraid you will be waiting a _LONG_ time. A
> >customer with 1998 drivers in a LTWin/Supra/HSP/etc modem is never going
> >to connect well without upgrading.
> >
> s/connect well/connect well to PM3's/

No the original was correct. A Supra with 9/98 drivers is not going to
connect to anything well. Period. Probably 20% of our signups are people
switching from other ISPs because they can't connect with their crappy
modems. The next two largest ISPs in town both use USR boxes. They come
here, we upgrade the modem and they are quite happy with the sudden
upgrade to 50-51K (or 53K in the case of the LTWinmodems).


Chris Owen             ~  Lottery: A stupidity tax
PO Box 1969            ~
Garden City, KS 67846  ~
Voice: (316) 275-1900  ~
Fax:   (316) 275-0313  ~  88 FA CF C6 65 23 63 C1  6E 80 AE 0B 51 C0 22 36

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