Re: (PM) Downgrading from 3.9b27

Jon Rust (
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 10:56:27 -0800

At 12:43 PM -0600 12/28/99, Chris Owen wrote:
>On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, John Lange wrote:
>> I still inform customers as they call that they need to upgrade their
>> modem software, but many would just as soon switch to another provider
>> than here me tell them they actually need to do something (like
>> think).
>If you are waiting for the version of ComOS that doesn't require customers
>to update their modems, I'm afraid you will be waiting a _LONG_ time. A
>customer with 1998 drivers in a LTWin/Supra/HSP/etc modem is never going
>to connect well without upgrading.

s/connect well/connect well to PM3's/

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