Re: AW: (PM) Lucent MAX 3030 & PM3 & MCPP ??

Brian Elfert (
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 11:04:46 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Frank Heinzius wrote:

> Can you please explain why the MAX3000-series are "pieces of shit"? We
> are quite comfortable with them. They have much more features than the
> PM3 and have the second best modem code after 3Com Total Control. I
> personally prefer Portmasters for their simpleness in configuration. But
> we have to face the challenge of Ascend MAXen to stay competitive...

The USA and the rest of the world are really two seperate markets as far
as modems go.

What works well for an ISP in the USA might not work at all for someone in
say Germany.


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