Re: (PM) Fwd: PM3, Secondary IP for Wan port

Thomas C Kinnen (
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 21:19:02 -0500

>I have a general routing question along these lines...
>well not really...
>Lets say I have a cust using an OR-U and isdn to get a class C from me. Now
>they want to get something faster for download but keep the isdn line to me
>for upload. So we are looking at adsl for them or cable modem. How do we
>that up? I assume we'd have to be routed a 2nd set of class C addresses via
>the aDSL router or at least as many ip addresses who wanted downloading
>speeds from the aDSL router. And Id use a routing protocol so the OR-U and
>the aDSL router could talk to each other... but, what do I put in the
>winblows 98 client boxes as the default route? How do packets know to go to
>which router?

If both connections terminate to you setup asymetric routing using different
routes on each end. I've done it before (Not on purpose - was waiting for
someone to delete some static routes). Basically on the customer end have
the default route set to the OR and have the OR set to send to the other
side of the ISDN link. Have your side of the network set to route all
traffic TO the customer over the fater link. The end result is that the
data from the customer to you goes out one link and the data from you to
them goes across another.

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