Re: (PM) WARNING: US-West CT1s

John Gonzalez/netMDC admin (
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 19:27:32 -0700 (MST)

Michael, alot of our CT1's were taking errors and we could not track it
down. Finally, we had the blind luck of tracking down a different problem
and was dealing with a VERY friendly tech, we got talking about other
stuff while holding for other techs/etc... and i told him about our error
problems and how uswest always tells me they'll have to take down the
circuit for 24 hours to "test it" as punishment for pointing out an error.
Anyway, there is a KNOWN problem with some of the ADC Kentrox HDSL cards
that they use for bringing in CT1's... You can check the revision of the
units and ask for replacements. I know, we just had 4 replaced and our
errors are WAY down.

What i was told is that these particular cards send out an extra bit every
once in a while, could be one bit per day, or 10,000 or 1 bit every 8
months. It's impossible to tell, and VERY hard to track down. Check the
revision on all your cards (the telco supplied ones)

I believe Rev. A - D are bad, anything after that is good. This is from
memory, but asking a friendly tech at uswest should yield more accurate

The local tech that does all our CT1's also told me a story about putting
in a CT1 at the bank and how it took MONTHS for him to figure out what the
problem was, the CT1 just wouldnt sync all the time and he kept telling
the bank it was their equipment. Finally USWest brought down a big wig and
he told the tech about a grounding problem on that particular type of
equipment (again, telco equipment) and that an extra ground wire was
needed to get the card to work properly (undocumented feature) and all was

Sometimes it's just the luck of the draw on who you get. Anyway, you
already switched to PRI, but this might help someone else out.

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Michael Wilkinson wrote:

>As a fellow portmaster admin I thought I offer the following
>warning to other portmaster admins.
>I'm in US-West land, my switch is a DMS-100, I was running
>CT1s to my portmasters (much less expensive than PRIs).
>I received an excessive amount of "Port Error - Unknown State"
>along with the spontaneous dropped call. At the rate of about
>1 every 5 minutes. We tried everything with Lucent, they
>tried everything (short of sending someone out). But nothing
>could fix it.
>We recently switched to all PRIs, not one "Port Error - Unknown State"
>yet (been running for a week).
>My lesson learned? If you're in US-West land on a DMS-100 switch,
>don't order CT1s for your Lucent Portmasters. :)
>Michael Wilkinson
>CacheNET SysAdmin
>+1 (435) 787-4009
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