Re: (PM) weird second channel problem

Butch Kemper (
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 13:04:19 -0600

At 12:48 PM 12/20/1999 , you wrote:
>Hello all
>I have bunch portmaster 3 running ver 3.8. Its using radius for
>On the BRI end I have cisco760 and 770s.
>The problem I face is that when make manual call from my cisco760
>eg call 8234 where 8234 is the number for the PRI, both the channels
>come up and when I do a show sess I see both the channels as they have
>dialed a 4 digit extension ie 8234 All this works fine
>But when I bring up the channels automatically for eg intiate a ping
>command so that it brings up both the channels, I see that the first
>channel has dialed a 4 digit extension ie 8234 however the second
>channel tries to dial 7 digit extension 5828234
>and fails to connect
>Another question is where is it getting the 7 digit from to dial???
>I would appreicate if anyone can help me to solve this issue
>PS: No matter which portmaster and which PRIs I use, I see the same
>problem. I know this is not a telco problem because when i replace the
>portmaster with a Cisco CB-900 and reconfigure the BRI to dial the
>CB-900 everything works ie manual dial and automatic dial both bring the
>second channel up with a 4 digit extension

I suspect that the "directory number" on the Sxx Port is specified as
"5828234". If the Cisco is using BACP to setup the second channel, it is
getting the DN from the Sxx Port.

You can correct the problem by:

1. Enter the command "set all dn 8234", or

2. Specify the number in the Cisco for the second channel.


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