Re: (PM) PM3 "newbie"

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
13 Dec 1999 23:17:02 GMT

In article <>,
Mauricio Marquez <> wrote:
>Guys, i just got my first PM3 (been working with Microcom/Compaq and
>Computone). Anyway, the telco delivered our E1 with G.703, now i´m
>wondering how will i connect the PM3 to the G.703 from the telco (special
>cabling? adapter?).

The PM3 also uses G.703. I assume you mean they delivered it unbalanced,
75 ohm, on a BNC connector? Then you need a balun. For example see

Or call your telco and ask them to provide the line balanced (120 ohm,
RJ45) instead of unbalanced. Most of the time they will do that.


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